Saturday, April 18, 2009

President Obama is living in a different world other than the normal everyday person. Imagine if you will a first time lottery winner is most likely to splurge and go bankrupt because it's what was missing in his life. I suppose it's a transference or substitution of a father figure that was missing, therefore fatherly discipline.
There is a definite psychological component in tatters here. It's all wanting to please a father who isn't there to guide him.

Monday, October 01, 2007

I downloaded VisualStudio 2008 Express edtion for CSharp and C++. Presently,I am working on several projects which will be part of a program to establish a similar Lotto game. In it I will utilize a small database to store present drawn numbers as well as storing a comparative listing of random drawings. They will be used to make a comparison and evaluation.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Page Three-Hero's pictures

Page Three-Hero's pictures

One of my Home pages


Saturday, October 14, 2006

XNA Game make

I am in the process of getting together some code and resources for programming
in the XNA GSE (GameStudio Express). Once this is done, I can start to tweak and
hack the code to produce some fairly useful programs.

Monsters,Mischief, and Mayhem

Just recently, I have been in contact with an aspiring artist.We will set down and discuss the future of his endeavors. Hopefully we can come up with some fruitful ideas. My input will just be suggestive and not to takeover any "Intellectual Property".

Monday, December 08, 2003

Humanity does not really know the intricasies of their existance. It is only by deconstructing that we fall into more complex reasons. To be aware of the simplicities, it is required to shed off self concerns and doubts while keeping an open mind. As a whole , there are wantings or needings to reach beyond normalcies. This is what keeps us from being stagnant in thought.